ETAP μGrid™: Advanced Microgrid Management

Maximizing Microgrid Efficiency with Intelligent Control

ETAP μGrid™ features a sophisticated electrical digital twin model that integrates intelligent automation and system protection. This powerful tool is designed to optimize and control both simple and complex microgrid electric and thermal systems, ensuring efficient and resilient operations.

Optimize and Control with ETAP Microgrid Control

ETAP Microgrid Control provides a model-driven solution for designing, simulating, optimizing, and controlling microgrids. With its advanced capabilities, you can fine-tune system logic to enhance resiliency and maximize energy efficiency.

Key Features of ETAP


ETAP μGrid™ combines advanced digital twin modeling with intelligent automation and system protection, delivering optimal control and efficiency for both simple and complex microgrid systems.

  • Full spectrum AC & DC analysis Model-driven solution
  • Modelling, simulation and optimization in study mode
  • Intuitive graphical and scripting tools
  • Modelling of renewable and distributed resources
  • Load and generation forecasting
  • Automated predictive “what-if” simulation
  • Integrated SCADA, ADMS, DERMS and Business Intelligence Dashboards

Comprehensive ETAP Services for Complete Power System Solutions

etap Real Time

ETAP® Real-Time™ is a Model-Driven Enterprise Solution that provides mission critical power management solutions. This technology maximizes the entire production process by allowing you to predict, control, visualize, optimize, summarize and automate your power system.

etap ADMS

The ETAP Advanced Distribution Management System, ETAP ADMS™ is an integrated electrical system design and real time power distribution management system. It offers flexible solutions to provide resiliency and reliability requirements of the new digital grid. ETAP ADMS offers intelligent and robust decision support platform based on a unified Digital Twin of the electrical network and the distribution applications.

eTrax Traction Power

ETAP Rail Traction Power software includes the most accurate, user-friendly and flexible software tools for analyzing and managing low and medium voltage AC & DC rail power systems. It is an integrated traction power system design and management system. Using advanced geospatial asset information, eTraX allows for the modelling, simulation, prediction and optimization of rail infrastructure.

etap Network Analysis
ETAP Network Analysis is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design, simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of generation, transmission, distribution, industrial power systems and planning of system behavior utilizing an intelligent one-line diagram and the flexibility of a multi-dimensional database.
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